Dedicated to sharing information about cultivation, conservation and enjoyment of plants known as palms and cycads.

NZ Palm and Cycad Society

Sharing information about cultivation, conservation and enjoyment of plants known as palms and cycads

The official website of the Palm and Cycad Society of New Zealand (PACSONZ)


If you would like to find out a little bit more about the ongoing activities of the Society, please contact us.

If you have any questions or need tips on how to grow palms and cycads in your garden, please ask for advice on the PACSONZ Facebook page. Our members will be happy to help you.

About us

This website is the official website of Palm and Cycad Society of New Zealand (PACSONZ) dedicated to sharing information about cultivation, conservation and enjoyment of plants known as palms and cycads.

PACSONZ members appreciate the joy of growing palms, cycads and other plants in gardens ranging from small residential lots to large rural properties. Our members include hobbyists, landscape designers, commercial plant growers and plant enthusiasts.

PACSONZ is a non-profit charitable organization (IRD number 048-303-684) and operates under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

PACSONZ members

We all pursue our passion, but the joy of sharing it, on a formal and informal basis, is so much greater.


The membership has many benefits. One is the opportunity to see palm and cycad gardens of other Society members. Another is to participate in “members only” palm and cycad small scale sales after the Society’s meetings. Another is to get together with people who love palm and cycads as much as you do.

NZ Palm and Cycad


Annual membership fee for New Zealand and overseas members is NZ $20. The membership runs from 1 July to 30 June of the following year. Half yearly membership (NZ $10) is available for those who want to join the Society between the months of January to June.

To join the Society please send us your name and contact details on The membership fee should be paid using internet banking. Please use your name as reference. The Society’s account details are as follows:

Account Holder: Palm & Cycad Society of New Zealand Inc.
Account number: 12-3011-0607477-00

The Society will confirm your membership by sending you an email message.

If you know anyone who would like to become a Society member, please ask him/ her to send us an email to The Society is trying to get involved with the world of social media and this website, along with the Facebook page, is part of it.


We invite all existing and new members to pay their annual membership fee for 2024/ 2025.

The Society plans to continue organizing visits to private gardens exclusively for its members.

Palm and Cycad NZ